PLEASE NOTE that we are currently not doing ACD
Over the years I have fostered and adopted out far more rescue
Our rescue dogs come from every circumstance you can imagine....
their histories are often unknown. Shelter dogs that come to us
are often abandoned or "lost and found" and their history is
unknown. We also often take in dogs from owners no longer able to
care for their Cattle Dog for one reason or another.
These dogs are brought into my home and allowed to interact with my
dogs. I take several weeks with each dog to evaluate their
temperament and to see if they have any behavior issues that need
to be addressed.
While in my care, all rescue dogs are caught up on their medical
needs (innoculations, deworming, etc.). They are also altered
(spayed or neutered) if needed and are microchipped for permanent
We get dogs of all ages, shapes, sizes and colors in our rescue
program. The majority of dogs that we get can easily be
described as adolescents. Most of the time these dogs come
to rescue as the family that originally purchased them had
no clue what this breed is or what their energy is REALLY
like. When they find out they are over their heads, they
dump the dog instead of training it or working with it. Yes,
I know that's a sad statement but it's the most frequent
scenario that we see in ACD Rescue. Generally, these are NOT "bad dogs"
they may be dogs that have developed a bad habit or two because
of human neglect or ignorance but usually those bad habits
are easily fixed.
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