Date of Birth | 1/14/2023 | Reg No. | DN742782 |
Breeder | Katherine & Danial Branson | Color | Both reds & blues |
prcd PRA | Obligate Clear | PLL | Obligate Clear |
rcd4 PRA | Obligate Clear | BAER | Testing Date 3/1/2023 |
Comments | If you are interested in a pup from this litter please fill out our online questionnaire so we have your contact information. We will be sending out deposit agreements very soon! |
![]() Cobbers No Soggy Bottoms at Katwala DN64056802 OFA HIPS: Good OFA ELBOWS: Good prcdPRA: Normal RCD4: Clear PLL: Clear |
GCH Cobbers What If DN49539701 |
CH 4 Legged Takes Two To Tango DN38535403 |
Am/Can CH GCH Aquila's Icebreaker HT DN19393203 |
CH Reddenblu's the Forbidder MG798991 |
CH Austlyn's Silver'n Jade DN06313003 |
Summerlands Spirit of the Lakota DN25558301 |
Kombinalong Supernitrous DN06450102 |
Reddenblu's Sweetgrass N' Sage DN06561902 [MG804260] |
GCH Aquila's Hot-Dam Here I Am DN36921901 |
Agassiz's Whiskey On the Rocks XG342611 |
Uretopias Truth or Dare |
Agassiz Krystal Blu Persuasion TQ172207 |
Firefly's Shining Star For Austlyn DN24078313 |
CH Kurpas' Born Again DN12313501 |
Austlyn Onthego's I'Ma Blustar |
CH Cobbers I'm So Fancy DN40656802 |
Am/Can CH GCH Aquila's Icebreaker HT DN19393203 |
CH Reddenblu's the Forbidder MG798991 |
Am/Can/Finn CH Reddenblu's the Proclaimer HC DL66516701 [BQ135095] |
Am/Can CH Reddenblu's Fast As You DL70536001 [FS388147] |
CH Austlyn's Silver'n Jade DN06313003 |
CH Shalimars Renegade N Disguise CD OA OAJ DL67970001 |
Get Go's Austlyn Express DL72553503 |
GCH Cobbers Get Your Shine On RN PT DN36223301 |
GCH Millark Firefly Lead Follow or Get DN29771403 |
CH Firefly Lead Follow Or Get DL80627403 |
Mk Right Handy Jumbuck Jillaroo DN06180503 |
Spursnspokes Ropin' The Moon DN19905101 |
CH Castle Butte Wyatt Earp DN08503303 |
Blue Moon Cowgirl DN06481606 |
![]() Katwala's Long Distance Lullaby DN51233207 OFA HIPS: Good OFA ELBOWS: Good prcdPRA: Normal RCD4: Clear PLL: Clear |
GCH Bosworth's Flashing The Leather DN20866004 |
CH Katwala's Orange & Blue PT QW DN09553301 |
CH Duwest's Ollieollieincomefree HIC DL87192604 |
CH Redwing's Ain't It the Truth CD HSAsc ROM DL68749002 |
CH Duwest's Yippekiyokiyay CD HS VQW ROM DL56195502 |
CH Sageroo Coppertop At Katwala DL79648404 |
CH Kurpas' Fire N Brimstone DL72145601 |
CH Sageroo Cotton Jenny DL49379102 |
CH Tanglewood N Katwala's Fast Break DN09422701 |
CH Katwala's Who Dunnit N'run DN00240004 |
CH Graber Red Roo of Melbourne CD CGC DL58216804 |
CH Sageroo Coppertop At Katwala DL79648404 |
CH Reddenblu's Zero To Sixty DL87068301 [KE647591] |
Can CH Reddenblu's the Insurrector BPIS HM540783 |
Am/Can CH Reddenblu's Fast As You DL70536001 [FS388147] |
CH Kcee's Whiskey Lullaby at Katwala DN38714902 |
CH Katwala's Whiskey Bent and Hell Bound DN28501403 |
CH Ruselrun Jet Bleu Streak DN07542404 |
CH Russell Run Saint Louis Bleu DL49191402 |
Sandhill's Sweet Sugar Patty DN00117601 |
CH Tanglewood N Katwala's Fast Break DN09422701 |
CH Katwala's Who Dunnit N'run DN00240004 |
CH Reddenblu's Zero To Sixty DL87068301 [KE647591] |
One Two's I'Ve Got My Eye On Ewe DN21078602 |
CH Taylryders One Two Buckaroo CD RAE NAP RATS DN06857004 |
CH Sandhill's Pbj Sam I Am DL87378701 |
Come Bye And Look What Katy DID DL84758403 |
CH One Two Taylryders Eviction Note MX MXJ NAP NJP NF CAA DN10569201 |
Taylryder Trouble In Town DN06141001 |
CH Hiredhand Flashback To Plateau CGC HIC DL88211205 |